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Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Sujeonggwa (Korea)

The traditional Korean fruit punch Sujeonggwa has dark reddish brown color and created from ginger, cinnamon, persimmons and sometimes garnished with pine nuts. First the ginger and cinnamon are brewed in slow boil then solids are removed and the liquid that remains is again boiled after adding brown sugar or honey. The dried persimmons are sliced into parts and are added to the completely cooled brew. Sujeonggwa is also sold in canned form.

Shikuwasa juice (Japan)

The Okinawa native Citrus depressa, also called thin-skinned flat lemon, Taiwan tangerine, flat lemon or hirami lemon, is a tiny green citrus fruit which is rich in flavonoids. This extremely sour fruit has similar characteristics with lemon and is frequently used for garnishing dishes. It is also used in making jam. Citrus depressa produces a sharp Shikuwasa juice that’s is preferably diluted or mixed to a cocktail.
Shikuwasa juice


Raksi, a distilled alcoholic drink, is commonly made at home. This is created from kodo millet or rice and varied grains yields different flavors. Raksi can also be created from mulberries. This strong drink has clear consistency like gin or vodka and the flavour is similar to Japanese sake.

Raksi is has strong odour and creates a burning sensation directly down to the throat that finally resolves itself into a velvety, smooth sensation.  Nepalese serve this homebrew during festivals.


Coconut water (Global)

This clear liquid from young coconuts has been a famous drink in the tropics particularly Africa, Pacific Islands, Brazilian Coast, India, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia, where it is found canned, fresh or bottled.  They are sold frequently in the streets where vendors cut them open in front of customers.

Recently, coconut water is marketed being a natural sports or energy drink since it is rich in mineral and potassium.  Marketers promoted this refreshing drink because it has low calories, carbohydrates and fat levels.  This belongs to the freshest fruit juices to take in on the beach. Its flesh can be eaten flaked or raw and cook with its oil.
Coconut water

Scotch whisky (Scotland)

Scotch whisky is also called grain whisky or malt whisky. Scotch whisky is created in a method specified by law. All of the Scotch whisky have been initially created using malt barley. However, commercial distilleries started introduction of whisky made from rye and wheat in 18th century. Scotch whisky has five varied categories namely blended Scotch whisky, blended malt Scotch whisky, single grain Scotch whisky, single malt Scotch whisky and blended grain Scotch whisky. Every Scotch whisky should be aged in oak barrels for a minimum of three years.
Scotch whisky

Martini (United States)

Martini is a cocktail created from vermouth and gin and garnished with lemon twist or olive. Martini has been a recognized mixed alcoholic beverage. H. L. Mencken referred to martini as "the only American invention as perfect as the sonnet" while E. B. White refer to it as "the elixir of quietude".


Mojito (Cuba)

Mojito is a traditional highball in Cuba. Traditionally, a mojito contains five ingredients including mint, lime juice, sugar, white rum and sparkling water.

The first Cuban recipe makes use of yerba buena or spearmint. The combination of mint flavors, sweetness and refreshing fruits is intended to balance the rum's potent kick and made the highball a well-known summer drink. In the preparation of mojito, lime juice is combined with mint leaves and lime juice. Then, the mixture is mashed gently with a muddler. The mint leaves must not be shredded but bruised to be able to release the essential oils. The rum is then added and the mixture gets stirred for a while o that the sugar is dissolved and the mint leaves will be lifted up.



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